I ran across this yesterday in the midst of desperation! You know those moments when you finally figure out that you CAN'T do it on your own and look towards the ONE that has been there the whole time waiting for you to JUST ASK!! Well, I had a moment like that yesterday. Being the mother of 3 young children is the most wonderful thing yet the most challenging thing I've done thus far in my life! My "Middle" child has been giving me a rough time lately...Yes, I think it has something to do with the new baby, his daddy traveling some with his job, him having a cold and his STRONG WILL!!! Do you have one of those in your family? Well, let me tell you he keeps me on my toes! My husband and I were reading Parenting the Strong Willed Child a few weekends ago and we had to laugh that our son fit almost every description/characteristic to a tee. At that point we just looked at each other and realized we really have our work cut out for us!
When I ran across this prayer from Focus on the Family, I was comforted to know I/We don't have to do it on our own! I quickly printed it out and placed it on my bathroom mirror to read EVERY DAY!
"Lord, You know my inadequacies. You know my weaknesses, not only in parenting, but in every area of my life. I'm doing the best I can to raise my kids properly, but it may not be good enough. As You provided the fish and the loaves to feed the five thousand hungry people, now take my meager effort and use it to bless my family. Make up for the things I do wrong. Satisfy the needs that I have not met. Compensate for my blunders and mistakes. Wrap Your great arms around my children, and draw them close to You. And be there when they stand at the great crossroads between right and wrong. All I can give them is my best, and I will continue to do that. I submit them to You now and rededicate myself to the task You have placed before me. The outcome rests securely in Your hands."